Fraud Prevention

Because debit card fraud is serious business,
we’re watching out for you.

You may not know it, but you have round-the-clock protection against the increasingly savvy perpetrators of debit card fraud. That’s because the Visa Check (debit) Cards we issue are protected by FraudWatch® Plus.

Through an important partner of ours we provide industry leading technology, tools and the expertise to manage fraud. Experienced fraud analysts work around the clock, watching for any suspicious card activity and will contact you immediately if they detect potential fraud
on your card.

So if you ever get a call from “Fraud Prevention Services” know that our watchdogs are doing their job and preventing potential fraudulent use of your card. And if you’re planning to travel out of state or abroad, contact us with the dates of your trip and destination so we can note it in our system.

Fraud is serious business, and can hit anytime. That is why we are always on guard to detect and prevent fraud from happening to you.

For more information regarding identity theft and ways to protect yourself please visit the following website.

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